Na początku przejdziesz 6-tygodniowe szkolenie, na którym poznasz produkty oraz nauczysz się jak wykonywać swoją pracę Będziesz odpowiadać na telefony klientów - wyłącznie połączenia...
Providing customer support for the purchase of electric cars or after-sales support (inbound calls) Establishing and maintaining customer relations Ongoing reporting in the systems Knowledge of...
Lubisz kontakt z ludźmi i swobodnie komunikujesz się w języku niemieckim? A może szukasz pracy, w której nie będziesz sprzedawać odkurzaczy? Super! Mamy coś dla Ciebie! Vodafone to gigant...
Providing customer support for the purchase of electric cars or after-sales support (inbound calls) Establishing and maintaining customer relations Ongoing reporting in the systems Knowledge of...
Providing customer support for the purchase of electric cars or after-sales support (inbound calls) Establishing and maintaining customer relations Ongoing reporting in the systems Knowledge of...
You’re a good communicator and you’re looking for a role that will give you a chance to polish your language skills. Although you dont have much professional experience, you learn fast and youre...
You’re a good communicator and you’re looking for a role that will give you a chance to polish your language skills. Although you dont have much professional experience, you learn fast and youre...
You’re a good communicator and you’re looking for a role that will give you a chance to polish your language skills. Although you dont have much professional experience, you learn fast and youre...
You’re a good communicator and you’re looking for a role that will give you a chance to polish your language skills. Although you dont have much professional experience, you learn fast and youre...
You’re a good communicator and you’re looking for a role that will give you a chance to polish your language skills. Although you dont have much professional experience, you learn fast and youre...
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