Doradca klienta
Dodane: 2024-11-11
Obsługa klientów detalicznych Wymagania konieczne: Wykształcenie: wyższe (w tym licencjat) Wymagania inne: znajomość systemu NC+,obsługa urządzeń biurowych.Praca w banku
czyli z życia BOK
Dodane: 2024-11-11
Obsługa klientów detalicznych Wymagania konieczne: Wykształcenie: wyższe (w tym licencjat) Wymagania inne: znajomość systemu NC+,obsługa urządzeń biurowych.Praca w banku
Dodane: 2024-11-11
obsługa mailowa i telefoniczna klientów, prezentowanie ofert, raportowanie sprzedaży, pozyskiwanie klientów(godziny pracy 8-16) Wymagania konieczne: Wykształcenie: średnie zawodowe...
Dodane: 2024-11-11
Location: Remote work from Poland Your daily tasks: Providing the highest level of customer service; Answering incoming calls, mails and meeting targets set by our client and management;...
Dodane: 2024-11-11
Location: Remote work from Poland Your daily tasks: Providing the highest level of customer service; Answering incoming calls, mails and meeting targets set by our client and management;...
Dodane: 2024-11-11
Location: Remote work from Poland Your daily tasks: Providing the highest level of customer service; Answering incoming calls, mails and meeting targets set by our client and management;...
Dodane: 2024-11-11
Location: Remote work from Poland Your daily tasks: Providing the highest level of customer service; Answering incoming calls, mails and meeting targets set by our client and management;...
Dodane: 2024-11-11
Location: Remote work from Poland Your daily tasks: Providing the highest level of customer service; Answering incoming calls, mails and meeting targets set by our client and management;...
Dodane: 2024-11-11
Location: Remote work from Poland Your daily tasks: Providing the highest level of customer service; Answering incoming calls, mails and meeting targets set by our client and management;...
Dodane: 2024-11-11
Location: Remote work from Poland Your daily tasks: Providing the highest level of customer service; Answering incoming calls, mails and meeting targets set by our client and management;...
Dodane: 2024-11-11
Location: Remote work from Poland Your daily tasks: Providing the highest level of customer service; Answering incoming calls, mails and meeting targets set by our client and management;...
Dodane: 2024-11-11
Location: Remote work from Poland Your daily tasks: Providing the highest level of customer service; Answering incoming calls, mails and meeting targets set by our client and management;...
Dodane: 2024-11-11
Location: Remote work from Poland Your daily tasks: Providing the highest level of customer service; Answering incoming calls, mails and meeting targets set by our client and management;...
Dodane: 2024-11-11
Location: Remote work from Poland Your daily tasks: Providing the highest level of customer service; Answering incoming calls, mails and meeting targets set by our client and management;...
Dodane: 2024-11-11
Location: Remote work from Poland Your daily tasks: Providing the highest level of customer service; Answering incoming calls, mails and meeting targets set by our client and management;...
Dodane: 2024-11-11
Location: Remote work from Poland Your daily tasks: Providing the highest level of customer service; Answering incoming calls, mails and meeting targets set by our client and management;...
Dodane: 2024-11-11
Location: Remote work from Poland Your daily tasks: Providing the highest level of customer service; Answering incoming calls, mails and meeting targets set by our client and management;...
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